Foraging Walk

It will be International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May and the theme for 2019 is “Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health” which emphasises the importance of healthy ecosystems. In the last 100 years 90% of crop varieties have disappeared and indigenous traditional and local knowledge is being lost because of modern monocrop farming methods. The loss of diverse diets is linked to many diseases.

To celebrate this day, Friends of Serene Valley invite you to join us for a Foraging Walk on Saturday 18 May at 09:00 until about 10:30. We will meet at the Lola Ave gate. Although biodiversity refers to all forms of life, we will look mainly at the plants and talk about their uses. I will prepare some of the edible plants for you to try.

IF it is raining heavily the walk will be postponed but otherwise will go ahead. It is free of charge and all are welcome.

Please diarise the next two events:

  • Clean Up and Alien Vegetation Removal along the Constantiaspruit on 8 June at 08:30, meeting at the Lola Ave gate. It is World Environment Day on 5 June and we will work to clean up our Environment on the following Saturday which is the 8th.
  • Clean Up for Mandela Day on Saturday 20 July at 08:00 to 09:30, meeting at the pedestrian bridge between Kentia and Gilda Sts. As Mandela Day (18 July) falls on a weekday, we will do this clean up on the following Saturday.

Note: If any groups would like to come and do a clean up on the actual Mandela Day, Thursday 18 July, let me know and we can make an arrangement.

Kind Regards and hope to see many of you at the Foraging Walk on 18 May,

Carol Martin

Chairman, Friends of Serene Valley

Cell: 082 772 2498