Drinking Water

We often get questions about the hardness of drinking water, the amount of salt you should add to your dishwasher, fluoride in our water – and even the quality of our water. Here are some general points to consider.

How hard is the drinking water?

Hardness is the sum of the harmless calcium and magnesium ions in the drinking water. Hard water – which has more than about 80 – 100 milligrams per litre (mg/l) hardness expressed as CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) – can cause scale deposits in pipes and kettles or irons.

Soft water has less than 100 mg/l hardness as CaCO3. While soft water is better to wash with because it lathers better, it can be corrosive to pipes.

There is also a theory that soft water causes high blood pressure in some people, which means it should only be used for washing and not for drinking purposes.

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